Monday October 15 join the History Department for a presentation by Robert Miller II in Library 321 at 4:45!
People have long been captivated by stories of dragons. Myths related to dragon slaying can be
found across many civilizations around the world, even among the most ancient cultures including
ancient Israel. In his book The Dragon, the Mountain, and the Nations, Robert Miller chronicles
the trajectories and transformations of this myth, and brings out the major role of dragon slaying in both the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament. Join us as we talk with Robert Miller about an age-
old, fascinating topic: dragons!
Robert D. Miller II is a Secular Franciscan with a Ph.D. in Hebrew Bible from the University
of Michigan. His books, Chieftains of the Highland Clans: A History of Israel in the 12th and
11th Centuries BC (2005), Oral Tradition in Ancient Israel (2011), and related articles made
him a recognized authority on Early Israel. He is also greatly interested in Biblical Theology,
having organized several conferences on the subject, edited the volume Syriac and Antiochian
Exegesis and Biblical Theology for the 3rd Millennium (2008), and attempted a critical biblical
theology in Covenant and Grace in the Old Testament: Assyrian Propaganda and Israelite
Faith (2012). Dr. Miller has also worked in the interface of science and theology as one of the
recipients of two major grants, Religion and Science in Pastoral Ministry and Science for
Seminarians. He is also active in Jewish-Christian and Muslim-Christian dialogue at the local
and international levels. Dr. Miller is a former member of the Board of Trustees of the American Schools of Oriental Research and serves on the Board of Control of the New American Bible for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.